We connect fiscal sponsorship to racial equity and sustainable social change.

Nafasi is Swahili for:




Our mission is to undergird the powerful work of Black-led organizations by connecting them to the opportunities, capacity, and space they need to increase their effectiveness and grow independent.

When our vision is realized, Black-led organizations will be strong and sustainable with all of the tools they need to determine and direct social change in their communities.

Our why:

Those closest to the problems are closest to the solutions.

Although the skills, strengths, and insights of Black-led organizations best position them to create and lead transformative solutions, they are egregiously underrepresented, underfunded, and undervalued.


In 2016, the 1000 largest foundations in the United States granted $24.2 billion domestically. Only 10% of those funds were allocated for work serving people of color (Philanthropic Initiative on Racial Equity, 2017) Despite their expertise, organizations run by people of color received even less.

Lost Investments:

Fiscal sponsor relationships are often transactional in nature, and the fees (as high as 15%) result in lost investments for the communities served. The most recent comprehensive assessment of the field showed that fewer than 30% of fiscal sponsor organizations incubated projects until they were able to establish themselves as independent 501(c)(3) nonprofits (Tides Center, 2006).

In 2016, the 1000 largest foundations in the United States granted $24.2 billion domestically. Only 10% of those funds were allocated for work serving people of color (Philanthropic Initiative on Racial Equity, 2017) Despite their expertise, organizations run by people of color received even less.

Fiscal sponsor relationships are often transactional in nature, and the fees (as high as 15%) result in lost investments for the communities served. The most recent comprehensive assessment of the field showed that fewer than 30% of fiscal sponsor organizations incubated projects until they were able to establish themselves as independent 501(c)(3) nonprofits (Tides Center, 2006).

Join us to support Black‑led organizations as they advance their solutions their way.

Our approach:

We take fiscal sponsorship a step further.

Nafasi Fund’s new model of fiscal sponsorship advances temporary incubation with a low-fee structure so that grant dollars make a larger impact. Our courageous partners (grantee organizations) who spearhead the transformative efforts for Black communities receive tailored administrative and infrastructure support for their projects, robust technical assistance to help them move to sustainability (if they desire), and a space to focus on their well-being.